The preaching, teachings and miracles of Jesus Christ made many Jews believe in Him as the Messiah.
Testimonies of the miracles of Jesus Christ in the lives of many in the past and today are drawing many others into an intimate relationship with God.
Our thoughts, either positive or negative, that no one else knows, are known by God.
Knowing Jesus Christ personally by receiving Him as Saviour and Lord, would enable one to serve Him with a loyal heart and willing mind.
The poor in spirit are those who have an insatiable hunger for Jesus Christ in their lives.
Praying to our Heavenly Father for His Kingdom rulership in our daily affairs is a priority for us all.
Our testimonies of salvation from a life of sin, God's mighty acts in our lives, etc., will surely draw many to Jesus Christ.
To keep the knowledge of Jesus Christ and faith in God's Word in the hearts of the next generation requires constant evangelistic outreaches.
Whenever we face persecution of any kind, we are to give thanks to God, knowing that He'll never leave nor forsake us.
God will always forgive a sinner who repents of/turns away from his/her sinful lifestyle, receives God's forgiveness, and receives Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.