The more we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the more people will turn from their sinful ways, receive God's forgiveness, receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, and...
Many have received Him and received salvation, while others have either rejected Him or refused to acknowledge Him.
Satan and his cohorts have been involved in an age-long, fierce spiritual warfare against humanity.
Miracles, signs and wonders authenticate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, causing many to believe, turn from their sins, and follow Jesus Christ!
When we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach God's Word on a consistent basis, believers would keep walking in the fear of God and be comforted by...
Saul needed his physical sight restored, as well as his spiritual sight, by the in-filling of the Holy Spirit.
“Who, when they had come down, prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit.” Acts 8:15 The baptism in the Holy Spirit, which comes after one has...
“But when they believed Philip as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, both men and women were baptized.” Acts 8:12...
It's not what someone/people say/do to us that matters, but our reaction.
God has not stopped and will never stop performing miracles. The challenge is that many people do not exercise their faith in God's abilities to make impossibilities possible!