The whole of humanity has sinned/are sinners, but Jesus Christ is the only exception - He never committed sin.
Righteousness means to be blameless/sinless before God, living one's life according to His Word, while mercy means kindness towards people.
When a sinner repents of/turns away from a life of sin, receives God's forgiveness and Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, s/he becomes a citizen of God's Kingdom in...
A person's fingerprint, iris, voice, DNA samples, etc., are ways of identifying a person physically.
When a sinner repents of his/her sinful lifestyle, receives God's forgiveness, and receives Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, s/he is then chosen, set apart as God's holy priest,...
A born-again Christian is a 'spiritual house', made of living stones, where Jesus Christ lives.
As with the days of old, very many still reject Jesus Christ, Whom God has chosen as the Saviour and Judge of humanity.
The only way to do away with them is to be reborn spiritually, by repenting of/turning away from a sinful lifestyle, receiving God's forgiveness and Jesus Christ as Saviour...
When God's Word, that is, Jesus Christ, lives in a person, such person is guaranteed eternal life.
When one hears the Word of God about Jesus Christ and believes it, spiritual conception has taken place. Repenting of sins and receiving Him as Saviour and Lord bring...