The preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings conviction to one who is still living in sin and prompts him/her to action.
Many deny the existence of Jesus Christ, while others deny His resurrection.
God has hidden the ways of life in the Word of life - The Bible, and He reveals them only to His children - born-again Christians that yearn for...
Complaining about our not so good circumstances complicates/worsens them and displeases God.
The presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a born-again Christian is the fire that propels him/her to keep moving forward in serving God.
“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” I Thessalonians 5:18 We would usually give thanks to God for good things,...
In order to pray in the Spirit, one must be filled with the Holy Spirit, which we receive upon repentance from our sinful lifestyle, having obtained God's forgiveness and...
Prayer connects us with God - our Heavenly Father and keeps His presence abiding with us always.
To rejoice always is to be glad or be joyful and this is only possible when a person repents/turns away from a life of sin, obtains God's forgiveness, and...
There are two categories of people in the world; children of light and children of darkness. Sin and its practice make a person a child of darkness.