As the forces of darkness are constantly at war against humanity, only those who have repented of their sins, obtained God's forgiveness, and received Jesus Christ as Saviour and...
Though people sin daily and are deserving of God's righteous judgment/punishment, He doesn’t want anyone to be punished, but to obtain salvation through His Son - Jesus Christ!
The harvest of people in the world stands at 7.8 billion. The machinery for reaping this harvest are Holy Spirit-filled, born-again Christians, armed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Many in our society are physically and mentally exhausted because of the pressures of daily living.
The wicked is a person who is guilty of sins against God or man, while the righteous is one who was guilty of sins but has turned away from...
Our resolute and undeterred faith in Jesus Christ through His Word - The Bible, is what releases the miracle-working power of God to address any area of need in...
A witness of Jesus Christ is one who tells others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to save lives from sin.
Faith in God's Word must be backed up with corresponding actions for us to see God's miracle-working power in our lives.
One can become a disciple of Jesus Christ if s/he turns away from a life of sin, obtains God's forgiveness, and receives Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord!
Jesus Christ saw the collective faith of the paralytic man and his friends, and His miracle-working power was released on him.