When God's Word, that is, Jesus Christ, lives in a person, such person is guaranteed eternal life.
When one hears the Word of God about Jesus Christ and believes it, spiritual conception has taken place. Repenting of sins and receiving Him as Saviour and Lord bring...
Through the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Bible, His miracles and resurrection from the dead by the power of God, many have put their faith in God.
The joy of seeing Jesus Christ someday and spending eternity with Him in heaven is the living hope (expectation) of every born-again Christian.
When one repents/turns away from a life of sin, s/he starts obeying God's Word and living for Christ daily.
Salvation from sin, its consequences and eternal damnation in hell fire, is what many, hundreds of years ago, desired to have but couldn't.
The reward of trusting and serving Jesus Christ is the salvation of our souls from the consequences of sin and eternal damnation in hell fire.
Many have been introduced to Jesus Christ, and many of us have fallen in love with Him, though we have never seen Him.
The testing of our unshakeable faith in God's Word will always bring glory to God.
When a sinner repents/turns away from his/her sinful lifestyle, receives God's forgiveness, and accepts Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, s/he is protected from evil and kept daily by...