“Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Hebrews 7:25 By...
“I rejoice at Your word As one who finds great treasure.” Psalms 119:162 The Word of God – the Holy Bible, is God’s treasure house of divine wisdom and...
“Plead my cause and redeem me; Revive me according to Your word.” Psalms 119:154 As Almighty God is the judge of the universe, we can go to Him in...
“My eyes are awake through the night watches, That I may meditate on Your word.” Psalms 119:148 As the activities of the powers of darkness are at their peak...
“I rise early, before the sun is up; I cry out for help and put my hope in your words.” Psalms 119:147 NLT Many start their day without acknowledging...
“Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live.” Psalms 119:144 NLT People obey the laws of the land to avoid penalties and harassment...
“Direct my steps by Your word, And let no iniquity have dominion over me.” Psalms 119:133 We live in a spiritually dark world, with many conducting the affairs of...
“The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.” Psalms 119:130 Ignorance of God’s Word is likened to someone living in darkness all their lives....
“Therefore I love Your commandments more than gold, yes, than fine gold!” Psalms 119:127 God’s Word is so rich that everything one requires for a prosperous life is contained...
“You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source of hope.” Psalms 119:114 NLT Humanity is engaged in a fierce spiritual battle with an unseen formidable...