Gleanings From God's Altar (Part 3) - Lighthouse Gospel Ministries


Gleanings From God’s Altar (Part 3)

Luke 10: 38-42 (NLT)

The actions of Mary and Martha were highlighted in this passage. First, let us look at Mary. Mary sat at Jesus’ feet. It is noteworthy that it was not beside, before or close, but at His feet, denoting humility or devotion. She had reasons to stay in the choicest place as it was her house but she knew the importance of being at that position. By sitting there, she was able to stay focused, no wonder the next text reads ‘listening to what He taught’. Jesus went on to state that there was just only one thing worth being concerned about and that was what Mary discovered and same will not be taken away from her.

It was recorded that Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing and at some point came to tell Jesus to ask Mary to give her a helping hand. She expected Jesus to act in the way she said after laying her complaint, rather He told her of the needful thing and how Mary had discovered it.

To be able to sit at Jesus’ feet, one must have come into a relationship with Him that is we must have known who He is. The next thing is the act of sitting at His feet that is the place of devotion, humility and listening to His word. This calls for a time of devotion with the Lord and this is expected to be our lifestyle as believers. This is the only thing that cannot be taken away from us.

We must set our priorities right in line with the word of God. Not doing same will cause us to be distracted or carried away by many things. True and rightful service can be done when it is in accordance with the word of God, otherwise it becomes a difficult task that will sap our energy and make us complain. The complain will definitely come as the focus is shifted from the Word of God to ourselves, hence the phrases “I am tired, I am alone, nobody wants to help me” will come into play.

Serving rightly should be in line with God’s word otherwise, it will lead to frustration and even what one thinks he or she is doing can be taken away from such person.

In life, there are many things that we tend to be concerned about, it ranges from wealth, health, relationship, achievements/accomplishments, etc but today the Word of God is telling us that there is only one thing worth being concerned about that is the Word. Let us feed on God’s Word and other things will fall into place.

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