“…And He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side of the lake.” And they launched out. But as they sailed He fell asleep. And a windstorm came down on the lake, and they were filling with water, and were in jeopardy.”
Luke 8:22-23
Sometimes, when one is about to make progress in life, the enemy will bring up challenging circumstances to try and stop it.
But having Jesus Christ in the ‘boat of your life’, one is assured and guaranteed of success, in spite of the opposition.
So, as we keep spreading this Good News about Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, many will become born-again Christians and overcome the raging storms sent against the fulfillment of God’s covenant promises in our lives, in the name of Jesus Christ!
It shall come to pass!
God bless,
Minister of Miracles
1 John 5:4
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