“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”
Philippians 4:6 NLT
Statistics show that on average about 1000 – 1500 people die in the UK every 24hours.
In the current climate of fear, God is saying to us – His people, ‘Do not be afraid’! Rather pray about this situation and give Him thanks.
As we keep spreading this Good News about Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, many will become born again Christians, listen to and meditate daily on God’s Word, rather than the world’s news that’s creating fear, etc, in Jesus name!
It shall come to pass!
God bless,
Minister of Miracles
Lighthouse Gospel Ministries
1 John 5:4
PS: Receiving and reading this msg is a point of contact for your salvation and your household.