“Then the LORD said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.””
Numbers 21:8
The setting up of the image of a fiery serpent in the wilderness was symbolic of Jesus Christ being lifted on the Cross of Calvary for the deliverance of humanity.
It shows that everyone who looks to Jesus Christ by faith for healing from any disease, sickness or challenge, would be delivered!
So, as we keep spreading this Good News about Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, many will become born again Christians and look to Him now and always for their deliverance from every work of the devil, in the name of Jesus Christ!
It shall come to pass!
God bless,
Minister of Miracles
Lighthouse Gospel Ministries
1 John 5:4
PS: Receiving and reading this msg is a point of contact for your salvation and your household.