“He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor punished us according to our iniquities.”
Psalms 103:10
Many people erroneously think that God is punishing them because of their sins. Rather, it’s the devil exploiting the sins of people and destroying them.
But God – our Heavenly Father, is full of mercy, not interested in punishing sinners, but wants all to repent, turn away from their sins and accept His Son – Jesus Christ, as personal Saviour and Lord!
As we keep spreading this Good News about Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, many will become born again Christians, no longer in bondage to Satan’s works and obtain God’s loving kindness and tender mercies, in the name of Jesus Christ!
It shall come to pass!
God bless,
Minister of Miracles
Lighthouse Gospel Ministries
1 John 5:4
PS: Receiving and reading this msg is a point of contact for your salvation and your household.