“Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.”
Hebrews 13:4 NLT
Marriage –the union between a man and a woman ONLY– is an institution ordained by God and not by man!
Though Satan has moved society to create its own kind of ‘marriages’, only the one God has established shall stand.
No one practising sex outside of God’s ordained marriage shall escape His judgement.
So, as we keep spreading this Good News about Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, many will become born again Christians and commit to God’s plan for marriage, in the name of Jesus Christ!
It shall come to pass!
God bless,
Minister of Miracles
Lighthouse Gospel Ministries
1 John 5:4
PS: Receiving and reading this msg is a point of contact for your salvation and your household.